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Everything You Need to Know About School Fire Alarm Systems

By: James Curtiss on March 2nd, 2020

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Everything You Need to Know About School Fire Alarm Systems

Each year, there are about 4,000 school fires. These fires result in an estimated 75 injuries and more than $66 million in property damage.

When parents send their children to school, they expect them to be safe. Continue reading to learn about school fire alarm systems and the part they play in keeping students safe.

What School Fire Alarm Systems Do

School fire alarm systems exist for the same reason as the ones in your home. They detect fire. The systems in schools are much more technical, however.

A school fire alarm system can be set off in one of two primary ways. A system will automatically turn on if smoke or high heat is detected. It can also be manually started through a pull lever.

Understanding the Pull Lever System

The pull lever system is vital in school fire alarm systems. It allows anyone to alert the school there's a fire, even if it hasn't been detected by sensors.

These levers are located throughout the school in strategic areas easy for students or staff to access. The levers are spaced out so one can always be quickly found, no matter where a person is located.

The Control Panel

The control panel is typically located in the front office, but not always. This panel is the only way a fire alarm can be turned off. It also tells the staff where the fire is happening.

Control panels note the location of the fire in one of two ways. It might alert nearby staff where the fire alarm lever was pulled, which gives a general idea of where the fire is. It might also state which part of the alarm system was automatically activated.

Regular Inspections Are Vital

School fire alarm systems are an integral part of keeping both staff and students safe. If the alarm system quits working and a fire happens, the lives of many people are at risk.

The importance goes beyond working home alarm systems. In a home, family members can usually be quickly alerted of danger and gotten to safety. In a school, it can be hard to locate everyone inside within the small safety window a fire presents.

For this reason, it's integral that schools get their fire alarm systems regularly inspected. This needs to be done by a professional who understands the intricacies of these systems.

Integration Benefits

Today's fire alarm systems can be integrated into school security systems. It's highly recommended that schools take advantage of this.

The primary benefit of integration is that the fire company will be automatically called when an alarm system is activated. When staff doesn't need to worry about making the call manually they can focus on getting everyone out of the building.

This isn't the only benefit. Integrating your fire alarm with your security system also saves money and is more convenient.

For More Information

Still have questions about school fire alarm systems? Contact us today. One of our associates would be happy to assist you.

About James Curtiss

Experienced security industry professional. Commercial Security Consultant working at Sonitrol New England.