By: James Curtiss on December 18th, 2019
The Pros and Cons of a Self-Monitoring Security System for Business
Do you feel comfortable turning the lights off and leaving your small business at night? Are you confident that your business is safe and protected?
The unfortunate truth is that nearly 9 percent of small businesses are robbed each year. This equates to millions of businesses suffering from a burglary or theft.
One way to protect your small business is by investing in a self monitoring security system. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of this system. Explore this blog to help you reach a decision on how to make your business safe.
What Are the Pros of a Self Monitoring Security System?
There are many advantages to investing in a self-monitoring system. Many business owners choose this option due to its low cost.
Since a professional security company is not monitoring your business, the cost is much lower. This is important for small businesses that are always trying to reduce expenses.
In spite of the cheap cost, the system still achieves its primary objective. The mere presence of an alarm system is going to deter would-be thieves.
Another benefit is the system’s mobility. The primary monitor is portable and can easily be relocated to different areas of your business.
In addition, the security system is integrated into your mobile device. By installing a software application on your phone, your business can be monitored from anywhere.
You also have access to cameras that can catch thieves in the act. These videos serve as valuable evidence in the event of a robbery and can help bring criminals to justice.
What Are the Cons?
The most obvious weakness of a self-monitoring system is the lack of a professional presence. Veteran security services are more likely to pick up on suspicious activity than a regular person. A professional monitoring company has the tools and experience to foil more sophisticated thieves.
A more experienced criminal has the ability to thwart low-level security equipment. Perhaps they hack into the company Wi-Fi and disable a camera or alarm. Security services are more equipped to handle advanced threats.
Another disadvantage is that monitoring equipment is dependent on power and connectivity. If you are driving through an area without cell service, you lose the ability to monitor cameras and alarms.
You will no longer receive notifications if a door or window is opened. When your connectivity resumes, it may now be too late to alert law enforcement.
Power outages present another problem for some systems. When the power goes out, the Wi-FI connection goes with it.
This means your system is offline until the power is restored. Sometimes, this small window is all a seasoned criminal needs to exploit.
Wrapping It Up
Small business crime is far too common to ignore. Regardless of what monitoring system you choose, security is a necessity.
If you are trying to keep business expenses down, a self-monitoring system may be right for you. It provides a natural deterrent and gives you capability on a mobile device. If you are interested in buying a self monitoring security system, contact us today for more information.